MMO: More Than 100 Responses on East Marine Plans (UK)

Business & Finance

More Than 100 Responses on East Marine Plans

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is currently working through more than 100 responses to the draft East marine plans, logging all the comments individually so that they take all views into account.

Our first ever marine plans consultation – a real milestone for the organisation – closed on 8 October after the July launch of the draft plans for the seas from Flamborough Head in the north to Felixstowe in the south.

“Reponses came from local authorities, ports and shipping, aggregates, leisure industries, fishing bodies, government, coastal partnerships, nature bodies and other sectors.

“Many groups and organisations were involved in the drop-in sessions along the East coast, held this summer, to ensure as many people as possible heard about the draft plans and commented. We also publicised our short animation film to explain marine planning to explain why marine planning is so important for the future of our seas.

“The public consultation covered the first two of 11 marine plans to be delivered for England, and we are one of the first countries in the world to plan across all marine activities.

“It is hoped that the reduced costs and increased certainty provided by marine planning will create greater development opportunities leading to increased economic and employment benefits for coastal communities,” announced


Press Release, October 31, 2013