UK: EA Hosts Drop-In Session on Tonbridge Flood Protection

Business & Finance

EA Hosts Drop-In Session on Tonbridge Flood Protection

The Environment Agency is hosting a public drop-in session in Tonbridge to keep the local community up-to-date on its latest plans to improve the level of flood protection offered to the town, including improvements to the Leigh Barrier.

Local residents and interested groups will have the opportunity to learn more about three significant projects with a potential budget of £7 million that are planned for the Tonbridge area over the next three years.

The largest project is the development of the Leigh Barrier, a structure upstream of the town on the River Medway, which is due to have improvements made to its mechanical and electrical systems to make it more resilient when it is called upon. The original barrier was installed in 1982, so a £5 million project is planned to replace and upgrade many of the asset’s operating systems.

Work is currently underway to enhance Buleys Weir in the town; this will involve the closure of some footpaths in the town centre.

Advisors will be on hand to discuss the planned improvements to the Tonbridge Town Lock town walls, where the Environment Agency is due to work with Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council to rebuild the series of walls that defend 100 properties from flooding. Planning permission has been granted for the project, and outline proposals will be on display at the drop-in session.

Visitors to the drop-in session will also be able to learn more about how the Leigh Barrier works, how to sign up to the Environment Agency’s free flood warning service, and discover how the Tonbridge projects will be funded.

Environment Agency staff will be on hand to discuss all of these plans at the drop-in session, which will be held at Tonbridge Castle, on Thursday 28 November from 9.30am until 5pm.

Neil Gunn, Environment Agency Flooding Advisor, said: “We have big plans for Tonbridge over the next few years, and the drop-in session offers local residents and businesses a great opportunity to learn all about what we are hoping to achieve.

“Almost 1000 properties are protected from flooding by the Environment Agency in Tonbridge, so I would encourage all members of the community to come along on the day, talk to Environment Agency staff, and find out more.


Press Release, November 20, 2013