UK: Licensing Changes for Navigational Dredging Highlighted

Business & Finance

Licensing Changes for Navigational Dredging Highlighted

The Marine Management Organisation is encouraging people and organisations carrying out navigational dredging to prepare for changes affecting the activity from April 2014.

As part of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 (MCAA), if you want to carry out navigational dredging activities in English seas and the tidal areas of rivers from 6 April 2014, you may be required to apply in advance for consent from the Marine Management Organisation (MMO),” announced

Navigational dredging was made a licensable activity by the government as part of the MCAA, though when the act came into effect in 2011 it allowed a period of transition during which low-risk dredging operations did not require a marine licence.

This period ends on 6 April 2014 when the activity will become regulated by the MMO.


Press Release, November 27, 2013