UK: Environment Agency Prepares Exeter Flood Defence Scheme

Business & Finance

Environment Agency Prepares Exeter Flood Defence Scheme

The Environment Agency has completed the consultation on the environmental impact of the first phase of Exeter’s multi-million pound flood defence scheme.

The first phase works will begin in June this year ahead of the main scheme, which is designed to reduce flood risk to properties on both sides of the river throughout Exeter. The first phase will include work to some of the existing flood defence structures and the Trew’s flood relief channel to increase flow capacity. The works will take about one year to complete.

We recognise that this important work to reduce flood risk will cause some disruption while it is being carried out. We have already started talking to people about likely impacts and will be looking at how we can minimise this before work starts,” said George Arnison for the Environment Agency.

The scheme is being jointly funded by the Environment Agency, Exeter City Council and Devon County Council, and ultimately will reduce the risk of flooding for over 3,200 homes and businesses across the city. It is planned to construct the scheme in two phases over the next four years.

The Environment Agency used the public consultation to assess the effects of the work on the environment and this helped inform their final decision about whether the work should proceed.

The Phase One works will include:

• Reducing the level of Trew’s side weir by 250mm to allow more floodwater into the flood relief channel;

• Lowering the bed of the Trew’s Weir flood relief channel, and removal of the ‘check weir’ to increase the flow capacity through the channel;

• A new meandering low flow channel through the centre of Trew’s flood relief channel;

• Two new fish passes, one on Trew’s Weir to replace the existing pass which is no longer suitable for fish passage, and one on the side weir;

• Removal and management of vegetation and trees under and next to Ducks Marsh Bridge;

• Creation of a two stage channel to reinstate flood flow capacity (the channel will be deepened to improve flows).


Press Release, March 6, 2014