Wilmington Harbor Dredging Project Announced

Business & Finance

Wilmington Harbor Dredging Project Announced

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, has issued Presolicitation Notice for the maintenance dredging of the Wilmington Harbor Inner Ocean Bar in Brunswick County, North Carolina.

The work shall consist of maintenance dredging of the Federal navigation channel reaches including Smith Island Channel, Baldhead Shoal Channel Reach 1, and Baldhead Shoal Channel Reach 2.

The dredging shall be accomplished by hydraulic cutter suction dredge and/or hopper dredge. Dredging depths are 44′ plus 2′ of allowable overdepth. Estimated quantity of material to be dredged is approximately 1,200,000 cubic yards. The dredged material shall be placed on the beach at Bald Head Island.

All beach work is to be completed during the established environmental window of 16 November 2014 through 30 April 2015. The environmental window for hopper dredging is 1 December through 31 March.

The work will include shaping the beach fill and pre and post construction surveys.


Source: fbo.gov, September 26, 2014