Delft to Host ‘Environmental Aspects of Dredging’

Business & Finance

Environmental Aspects of Dredging

The Training Course “Environmental Aspects of Dredging” will next be presented in Delft, the Netherlands.

Organised by the Postgraduate Academic Program (PAO) of the Delft University of Technology, it will take place 24-25 November 2014. Advanced educational credits are awarded to participants.

The Training Course is based on the book Environmental Aspects of Dredging that was produced as a joint effort by the Central Dredging Association (CEDA) and the International Association of Dredging Companies (IADC) and published by Taylor and Francis in 2008.

The lessons are enhanced by the up-to-date knowledge and  experience of the course leaders who are constantly revising the information to reflect the most current knowledge and thinking.

Two full days, small classes, individualized attention

The course is intensive, compacted into two very full days, composed of lectures and working group sessions. Topics covered include: an overview of the “players” who may become involved in dredging projects and their perspectives; main types of dredging equipment, their environmental effects and possible mitigation measures; pre-dredging site investigations, monitoring and dredged material management.

The course has been designed to maximize the learning potential, alternating between formal lectures and hands-on workshops. The lectures are given by two renowned specialists with broad experience both with dredging projects and training – Dr. Mark van Koningsveld (Van Oord) and Pol Hakstege (Hakstege Consultancy, formerly with Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment Centre for Public Works, Department Hydraulic Engineering and Environment, the Netherlands).

During the workshops participants work in small groups on case studies based on real projects, giving them the opportunity to put into practice what they have learned during the presentations.

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Press Release