Prince Rupert Harbor Cleanup Completed

Business & Finance

Prince Rupert Harbor Cleanup Completed

The Prince Rupert Harbor Debris Society announced yesterday the successful completion of its extensive harbor cleanup.

The Harbor Debris Society was incorporated as a non-profit group in 1983 with the objective of controlling and reducing the dangers to navigation caused by debris and promoting safe use of the harbor.

Throughout the year, debris such as logs, untreated wooden docks and floats, derelict fishing vessels and other safely-combustible materials are collected and gathered at a specially-designated site in Osbourne Cove, located at the north end of Tuck Inlet. Once a sizable quantity is amassed, the debris is sorted and burned by Wainwright Marine Services.

In the two years since our last successful sanctioned burn, the amount of debris in the harbor has been manageable, and the Prince Rupert Port Authority patrol vessel has handled most debris delivery and storage at the site,” said Gary Paulson, President of the Harbour Debris Society. 

We continue to be very fortunate to have Wainwright Marine as a local partner which facilitate our burns and cleanups. As we see the Port of Prince Rupert grow, I’m confident that we will see the Society becoming more and more important to facilitate safe vessel movement in our waters.”

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Press Release