Fast-Track Industrialization – Crucial Election Issue

Business & Finance

All parties contesting the State election should listen to the majority of Queenslanders who want the Great Barrier Reef protected from fast-tracked industrialization, including mega port expansion, dredging and dumping, announced Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS).

AMCS said the protection of the global icon and the $6 billion tourism industry that relies on it could prove to be a decisive Queensland election issue.

AMCS Great Barrier Reef campaign director, Felicity Wishart, said the clear message from Queensland voters is that leaders of all major political parties should commit to major improvements in Reef protection.

“The Queensland election is an historic opportunity for political leaders to take heed and act decisively to stop the destruction of the Great Barrier Reef,” Ms Wishart said.

To do that all parties must commit to end the rapid industrialization of the coastline driven primarily by plans for increased coal mining. They must also commit to protecting precious wetlands and pristine areas of the Reef coast forever.

The majority of Queenslanders [73.2%] support a ban on dumping dredge waste in the waters of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, including a clear majority of LNP [61.8%], ALP [83.8%], Katter’s Australian Party [68.8%], Greens [93.2%] and Palmer United Party [64.6%] voters.


Press Release