Marsh Lake Project up for Comment

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, seeks comments on the draft Environmental Assessment for the Marsh Lake ecosystem restoration project.

The Marsh Lake project will improve the nearly 4,500-acre lake, near Appleton, Minnesota. The nearly $11.5 million project also includes re-routing the Pomme de Terre River and modifying the existing dam to incorporate water control structures and a fish passage rock ramp at Marsh Lake.

Construction on the project is scheduled to begin in June 2016. The project is being funded by Corps of Engineers and the Upper Minnesota River Watershed District in partnership with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

The Corps will host a public meeting May 4 at the Lac qui Parle Wildlife Management Area and State Park Headquarters office, 14047 20th St. Northwest, Watson, Minnesota, from 3 p.m. – 7 p.m.