Italy Hosts 3rd Coastal & Maritime Conference

Business & Finance

Following up very successful second Coastal & Maritime Mediterranean Conference that was organized in Tangier (Morocco) in 2011, the third Conference will be held on 25-27 November 2015, in Ferrara, Italy.  

The conference, organized together by the Pôle Mer Méditerranée (Sea Innovation and Business Cluster) and University of Ferrara, as well as other French and Italian companies concerned with the Mediterranean, will highlight the topic “Mediterranean coasts at threat: Hazards and challenges in the context of climate variability”.

During the three-day Conference, numerous presentations on important coastal and maritime engineering projects will be presented to the audience with one day dedicated to technical visits.

The Conference will cover following topics:

  1. COASTAL RISKS MANAGEMENT IN THE MEDITERRANEAN: Management of flooding hazards, tsunami risk in the Mediterranean, adaptation policies to climate change …
  2. COASTAL AND MARITIME PORT PLANNING: Coastal and port structures: experiment, modeling, design and monitoring in coastal and port engineering; ecological engineering: state of the arts and perspectives, ecological restoration, wave energy production …
  3. SEDIMENT TRANSPORT, PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS: Coastal dynamics, modeling, instrumentation and tools for the treatment of data related to coastal dynamics, monitoring, dredging, sustainable management of sediments …
  4. RIVER SEDIMENT DELIVERY TO THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA: Impact of river basin management, river bed maintenance, recycling of bed sediments …