Canada Supports Dredging Projects

Business & Finance

Senator Fabian Manning has announced that the Government of Canada will invest more than $9 million over the next two years in seven small craft harbors on the Burin Peninsula and in southwestern Newfoundland.

These harbor improvement projects will provide a safer and more efficient working environment for harbor users and local fishermen.

Our Government believes in protecting the way of life of hardworking communities like Burin. Since forming Government, we have invested over $1 billion in Small Craft Harbors. Our investments have created jobs in coastal communities and ensured an efficient, safe work environment for our fishermen. We will continue to stand up for the interests of our fishermen,” Manning said.

The projects are as follows:

  • Burgeo – reconstruction of the marginal wharf, which will ensure safe and efficient harbor operations;
  • Burin – construction of an extension to the marginal wharf. Completion of this work will increase berthage in the harbor and improve safety at this busy facility;
  • Channel (Port aux Basques) – upland improvements will be made which will ensure continued safe harbor operations;
  • Fortune – reconstruction of a significant portion of the wharf adjacent to the fish plant. Completion of this work will ensure a safe offloading area for fish harvesters;
  • Lawn – dredging of the inner basin and construction of floating wharves. Completion of this work will increase capacity at this harbor and ensure that fish harvesters have safe berthing facilities within the harbor basin;
  • Ramea – completion of the reconstruction of the wharf. When the project is finished, fish harvesters and other harbor users on this remote island will have safe and reliable berthing facilities;
  • St. David’s (Crabbe’s River) – reconstruction of the main wharf. Completion of this work will reinstate berthage that was unavailable and ensure safe and efficient harbor operations.