Approval for Adani’s Carmichael Coal Mine Overturned

Business & Finance

The Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS) has welcomed a Federal Court decision to overturn Federal Government approval for Adani’s Carmichael coal mine, which was to ship coal out through the Great Barrier Reef at Abbot Point.

Cherry Muddle, AMCS Great Barrier Reef campaigner, said that Environment Minister Greg Hunt now has a chance to reverse his support for the project which would have major impacts on the Reef.

The Carmichael mine would require the expansion of the Abbot Point coal terminal with over 1 million cubic meters of dredging, and hundreds more coal ships passing through the Reef.

This court decision means Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt must go back and take a closer look at the real impacts of the mine, railway and port development proposals,” said Ms. Muddle.

“An Adani expert admitted in court that the mine will create only 1644 jobs, not the thousands Adani originally claimed.

“We welcome this decision and call on the Federal Government to put the future of the Great Barrier Reef before the interests of big coal companies,” concluded Ms. Muddle.