Step Forward for Barnstaple’s Flood Defenses

Business & Finance

Another step has been made towards improving Barnstaple’s flood defenses.

At the last week’s meeting of North Devon Council’s Executive, members considered how best to take forward the findings and options of the Barnstaple Flood Defense Improvements Study.

The study aims to improve flood defenses in the town over the next 60 to 100 years.

Councillors agreed to:

  • a project team being set up to look at how to move forward defense improvement works, which includes looking at funding options;
  • prioritize works for some areas, known as flood cells, by appointing a consultant to look at the cost of the different improvement options for the areas;
  • future public consultations to be organised on the report, its findings and recommendations.

Executive Member for Regeneration, Councillor Pat Barker, said: “It’s great to have the study finished and be able to make plans about how to move the work forward. Making improvements to our flood defenses is essential to allow the town to develop and allow its economy to grow.”

Work on the study started in Autumn 2014, which looks at the town in six different cells and has been produced by JBA Consulting.

The study has been funded by North Devon Council and Devon County Council in partnership with the Environment Agency.

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