Highlights of the Week

Business & Finance









Picture of the Day: Vox Maxima in Indonesia

Vox Maxima, Van Oord’s largest trailing suction hopper dredging vessel, recently started the dredging operations for the creation of Pluit City, an artificial island in the bay of Jakarta, Indonesia.


Ellicott Dredges to Restore Prime Hook

Two Ellicott 460SL dredges are currently being used in a large tidal marsh restoration project at Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge in Delaware.


Large Sand Deposit to Save Follet’s Island

A project which is currently underway, undertaken by a Texas A&M University at Galveston researcher, might save one of Texas’ most important, but relatively unknown, coastal venues from disappearing completely – Follet’s Island.


Cashman Seeks Permit for Quincy Dredging

Jay M. Cashman of Quincy Shipyard, LLC is seeking a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, to impact waters of the U.S. in conjunction with dredging in the Fore River in Quincy, Mass.


Facts About Underwater Surveys

The International Association of Dredging Contractors (IADC) has just published a new ‘Facts About’ publication on underwater surveys.