Sandy Repairs Continue

Business & Finance

On the third anniversary of Hurricane Sandy striking the Northeast on October 29, 2012, the USACE continues to move forward with authorized and funded projects, completing the 25th and final Flood Control and Coastal Emergency project and making visible progress in other project areas.

Together with its federal, state, local and industry partners, the Army Corps’ North Atlantic Division, which extends from Maine to the Virginia-North Carolina border and also includes the Europe District, has completed work on 95 coastal storm damage risk reduction projects.

The USACE also repaired 69 of 86 Sandy-impacted navigation channels and structures along the coast with the balance to be complete by next summer.

In the 32 months since federal funds were appropriated, the Corps has placed more than 33 million cubic yards of sand – enough to fill New York City’s Empire State Building 24 times – on identified beaches in Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia to restore dunes and berms to their authorized specifications.

Work continues on 16 federally-funded coastal storm risk management studies (including execution of feasibility cost-sharing agreements) – each of which will potentially result in new project construction.

Finally, construction is progressing on nineteen “authorized but not yet constructed” projects that will extend to additional communities the level of protection that was in place when Sandy hit.

These beach nourishment projects, similar to those already constructed, were designed and congressionally authorized prior to Sandy but had not been built, or only partially built. One of these is now complete, nine more are in construction, with the remainder ready to build pending coordination with state and local officials.