Ferrara Hosts Coastal Conference

Business & Finance

The 3rd Coastal & Maritime Mediterranean Conference, organized by Pôle Mer Méditerranée (Sea Innovation and Business Cluster) and the Centre Français du Littoral, will take place on November 25-27, in Ferrara, Italy.

This three-day Mediterranean Conference comprises two days of conference work including oral presentations and posters separated by one day dedicated to technical visits bearing on important coastal and maritime engineering projects and round tables or workshops.

The main goals of this event are to allow exchange of ideas between specialists on concerned subjects, to promote comparison of analyses and experience between researchers and entrepreneurs and to present new material and techniques, together with the available documents (technical stands).


  • COASTAL RISKS MANAGEMENT IN THE MEDITERRANEAN: Management of flooding hazards, tsunami risk in the Mediterranean, adaptation policies to climate change, etc;
  • COASTAL AND MARITIME PORT PLANNING: Coastal and port structures: experiment, modeling, design and monitoring in coastal and port engineering; ecological engineering: state of the arts and perspectives, ecological restoration, etc;
  • SEDIMENT TRANSPORT, PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS: Coastal dynamics, modeling, instrumentation and tools for the treatment of data related to coastal dynamics, monitoring, dredging, sustainable management of sediments, etc;
  • RIVER SEDIMENT DELIVERY TO THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA: Impact of river basin management, river bed maintenance and recycling of bed sediments.

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