West Coast Tender on the Way

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District, intends to issue an Invitation for Bid for the West Coast Hopper Dredging 2016 program. 

This dredging project includes maintenance dredging and new dredging at Grays Harbor, maintenance dredging at the San Francisco Mainship Channel, Coos Bay Entrance, Mouth of the Columbia River, and selected Columbia River bars from River Mile 3+00 to 105+00.

Approximately 4,325,000 cubic yards will be dredged as mandatory line items, with additional optional items depending on project needs and funding availability.

Placement of dredged material will be located at designated in-water placement sites, including ocean and river disposal.

Dredging work could start as early as April 1, 2016, with an anticipated completion date of approximately August 31, 2016.