USACE Receives Application for Sloper Pond Dredging

Business & Finance

Southington-Cheshire YMCAs are seeking a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, to impact waters of the U.S. in conjunction with placing fill material and dredging Sloper Pond in Southington (CT).

The applicants plan to excavate out sediment from Sloper Pond and discharge approximately 2,600 square feet of fill material into waters of the U.S. adjacent to the pond in order to make improvements to recreational areas.

The plan is to drawdown the water depth of Sloper Pond by using pumps and siphons and installing a temporary diversion system. Minor repairs to the existing dam will be made when the drawdown is complete. Accumulated sediment will be excavated. Excavated material will be brought to an on-site dewatering area with water control measures.

The entirety of the 18 acre pond bottom then will be mechanically graded. Dredging the 18 acre pond will increase pond depth and allow for more educational and recreational activities to take place.

On the eastern side of the pond, a portion of the temporary water diversion berm will be left in place to act as a permanent sediment forebay, which will reduce sediment input into the pond and allow for easier sediment removal in the future.

On the western site of the pond, a low level outfall pipe with a 460 square foot riprap apron will be installed. The outfall pipe will be used to lower water levels for maintenance or emergency situations. Approximately 350 square feet of riprap streambank protection will be placed further downstream in order to prevent future erosion.

A temporary construction access drive and culvert will be constructed in wetlands resulting in approximately 700 square feet of impact. This area will have approximately 6,000 square feet of tree clearing but will be restored to pre-construction conditions after work is complete.