Oxford Flood Alleviation Scheme Open for Consultation

Business & Finance

The Environment Agency has just announced that the Oxford Flood Alleviation Scheme is open for consultation.

A 6-week public consultation period began on Tuesday, 19 January, and will stay open until 1 March 2016.

Five drop-in events will be held across Oxford to give local communities the opportunity to have their say on the future of the flood risk in Oxford.

The events will offer local communities, residents and businesses the opportunity to talk to the project team and to feed in local expertise and ideas for managing different aspects of the scheme as well as to indicate their preferred options for the route of a new flood relief channel.

All public events will be open from 2:30pm to 7pm in the following locations:

  • Tuesday 19 January, Oxford Town Hall, OX1 1BX;
  • Wednesday 20 January, Abbey House, Abingdon, OX14 3JE;
  • Friday 22 January, South Oxford Community Centre, OX1 4RP;
  • Wednesday 27 January, Kennington Village Centre, OX1 5PG;
  • Thursday 28 January, West Oxford Community Centre, OX2 0BT.

These events will provide an update on the work the Oxford Flood Alleviation Scheme project team have been doing since the last public events were held in summer 2015.