CWPPRA Task Force OKs Coastal Restoration Projects

Business & Finance

The Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) Task Force has just approved several important coastal restoration projects in Louisiana.

CWPPRA Task Force meeting scheduled for January was canceled due to the high water stages on the Mississippi River.

In lieu of meeting, the Task Force electronically voted, January 22nd 2016, and approved restoration projects worth over $70 million.

Some of the projects approved include Fritchie Marsh Creation and Terracing, Oyster Lake Marsh Creation and Nourishment, Cole’s Bayou Marsh Restoration, Rockefeller Gulf Shoreline Stabilization, etc.

CWPPRA was enacted in 1990 under former U.S. Senators John Breaux and J. Bennett Johnston. Since its inception, the federal Act has approved more than 150 restoration projects, benefiting over 100,000 acres of land.