Water-Related Mining Challenges to Be Discussed in Africa

Business & Finance

The sustainability of water resources is becoming a key challenge for the growth and long-term survival of the mining sector in many countries.

This is why the Netherlands Consulate General in Cape Town together with Dutch company partners and the Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP) will be organizing several events on the 10th of February on water-related mining challenges.

As part of the Non-African Governments Program, the Netherlands Special Envoy for Natural Resources, Dirk-Jan Koch, will give a keynote speech on the water challenges faced by the industry and the Dutch integrated water approach.

Following the keynote speech, a special information session will be held with three break-away roundtables:

  1. Water in mining: a solution, not a problem (presented by Royal IHC);
  2. How the mining industry can contribute to the sustainable use of the most important re-source in the world: Water (presented by Royal HaskoningDHV);
  3. Innovative technologies and multi-stakeholder partnerships (presented by Fugro).

Right after the special information session there will be a networking opportunity for Mining Indaba delegates, hosted by the Netherlands Consulate General and its partners.

These events are part of the overall 2016 African Mining Indaba annual professional conference to be held in Cape Town, South Africa, 8-11 February.