Funding Secured for Barcelona Harbor Break Wall

Business & Finance

The Army Corps of Engineers plans to spend approximately $650,000 in federal funds to repair damages to the Barcelona Harbor West’s break wall in the Town of Westfield, according to U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer.

The harbor’s break wall was severely damaged in October 2015 by waters from Lake Erie.

“These emergency federal funds from the Army Corps will allow the Town and County to breathe a sigh of relief – because it means further damage will not be done to the harbor,” said Schumer.

It is critical that these emergency repair funds were secured now because failure to fix the hole would allow sediment and other materials to enter the harbor from Lake Erie, undoing previous progress dredging has made, the senator added.

The Army Corps dredged the harbor in summer 2014 with Superstorm Sandy supplemental funding. If this mitigation funding had not been provided quickly, the harbor may have needed to be dredged again.

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