Lowestoft Beach Work Approaches Completion

Business & Finance

A 3.5 million GBP coastal protection scheme at Lowestoft’s South Beach is approaching completion, with the promenade and majority of the beach due to reopen to the public.

The second part of the two-phase project began early last year and provides protection to the Children’s Corner area of the beach which had been badly affected by erosion pressures.

The completion of the work allows full re-opening of the promenade and most of the South Beach, although a small part will remain closed for safety reasons for the foreseeable future.

In 2015, 14,000 tonnes of rock was delivered to the beach and used to create two major structures.

Additionally, Phase 2 work included the creation of a new concrete beach access ramp, replacement of damaged coping stones, improvements to drainage channels, beach nourishment using sand taken from the healthy beach to the south and the installation of new guard-railing at the prom edge from Parade Road South to the East Point Pavilion.

Started in October 2014, the first phase of the scheme focused on repairing the damaged seawall and saw 6,000 tonnes of rock transported from Norway and positioned on the beach.

The entire scheme was funded by a £2.9 million contribution from the Environment Agency, with the remainder provided from Waveney District Council’s Coastal Management budget.

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