NJDOT Comments on Eagleswood Story

Business & Finance

Following the Environment New Jersey’s announcement about the permits for the construction of a 225,000 cubic yard dredge material disposal site in Eagleswood, the NJ Department of Transportation released the following statement.

“Regarding this project in particular, contrary to the false claims and misinformation being spread by the attorney for the residents and environmental groups, no illegal activity has taken place at the West Creek confined disposal facility (CDF) on Dock Road in Eagleswood,” said Steve Schapiro, NJ Department of Transportation Communications Director.

According to Schapiro, the site has been a CDF for more than 40 years, having been used as early as 1972 and there has never been toxic waste or contaminated materials disposed of at the West Creek CDF, despite the claims of those opposing the project.

“NJDOT is preparing to submit permit applications to DEP and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the dredging of Parkers Run and Westecunk Creek, along with the rehabilitation of the West Creek CDF. There is broad local support for this project from town officials, businesses and residents,” added Schapiro.

“Last month NJDOT legally cleared a few acres of the site so soil samples could be taken and surveying could take place as part of the preliminary work required before a permit application can be made. It should be noted that NJDOT owns the land and has statewide permits that allow our crews to conduct maintenance operations such as clearing land, as well as permits to do geotechnical work, such as soil samples,” concluded Schapiro.

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