Broomhill Sands Coastal Defense Scheme Completed

Business & Finance

The Broomhill Sands coastal defense scheme has been completed and the opening ceremony will take place on Friday, May 13.

The £30 million coastal program, which will provide protection to more than 1,300 homes and 100 businesses, spans from The Suttons in Camber to Lydd Ranges.

It will increase the standard of protection from coastal flooding to the area from 1 in 20 years to 1 in 200 years, taking into account predicted sea level rises.

The works included the following principal elements:

  • Improving a 700 m length of shingle beach by recharging the existing beach;
  • Removal of existing timber groynes from this beach;
  • Construction of eight new timber groynes (each 54 m in length) to stabilize the beach and retain the beach material;
  • Construction of a 1700 m rock revetment and wave wall along the remainder of the frontage;
  • Widening and improvement of the existing access way along the top of the existing sea defenses;
  • Provision of a number of pedestrian access steps and ramps and two maintenance ramps to the foreshore to allow future maintenance of the sea defenses;
  • Fabrication and installation on the site of a number of artistic works, utilizing timber reclaimed from removed groynes.

The scheme, undertaken by Team Van Oord, is part of the bigger Folkestone to Cliff End Strategy which, once complete, will protect 14,500 homes and businesses, a nuclear power station, significant areas of designated habitat and two Ministry of Defense firing ranges.

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