Environment Agency Releases Dawlish Warren Update

Business & Finance

The Environment Agency and Teignbridge District Council (TDC) are working together on the Dawlish Warren beach management scheme.

The main scheme is due to begin in 2017, but due to significant damage suffered to the groynes during the storms of winter 2015/16 a package of emergency works was completed in spring 2016.

Over the summer of 2016, a further program of refurbishment and maintenance works was completed, focusing on groynes 5 to 9.

Setting up the construction site will start in January 2017 with the works lasting approximately 9 months.

During the beach recharge works certain areas of the beach will be closed to ensure public safety, but every effort will be made to ensure public access to the amenities at Dawlish Warren.

Key dates:

  • January 2017: establishing site compound in beach road car park;
  • February, March and May 2017: removal of existing gabion stone, completed in 2 phases to avoid the busy Easter holiday period;
  • April to June 2017: installation of new timber groynes at groynes 10 to 14;
  • May 2017: work commences at the neck following relocation of sand lizards;
  • June to August 2017: dredging of material from Pole Sands, pumped onshore to replenish beach (restricted to these months to protect marine fauna);
  • 24 July 2017: planned completion of work at the amenity area (groynes 1 to 4) ahead of summer holidays;
  • September 2017: completion of works.