Royal IHC, ANP Ink TSHD Deal

Business & Finance

Royal IHC has signed a contract for the design, construction and delivery of a 4,200m³ trailing suction hopper dredger (TSHD) with Administración Nacional de Puertos (ANP) in Montevideo, Uruguay.

The contract was signed by Mr Alberto Diaz Acosta, President of the Board of Directors of ANP, Mrs Gladis Liliana Peirano Rivero, Interim General Secretary of ANP and Mr Hans Hesen, IHC Area Sales Director, in the presence of Mr Victor Rossi, Minister of Transport and Public Works of Uruguay and Mr Andre Mechi, Senior Project Manager IHC Latin America.

An important criterion for the award of this contract, as defined by the country’s Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining, was to comply with the local content regulations, ensuring close participation of the local marine industry.

IHC has therefore developed a tailor-made optimum solution for this project, in line with its strategic focus on internationalization.

Image source: IHC
Image source: IHC

The overall project management will be executed by IHC’s Latin American organisation located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The basic design and detailed engineering will be supplied by the head office in the Netherlands as well as the highly complex dredging parts and equipment.

The construction and commissioning of the vessel will take place in Uruguay. To enable the customer to use the full potential of the vessel, an extensive training and maintenance program will also be provided by IHC.

Furthermore, a complete package of spare parts will be delivered.

IHC’s CEO, Dave Vander Heyde, said: “IHC is honoured to contribute to the Government of Uruguay’s ambition to develop its shipbuilding industry, by sharing knowledge, providing training and upgrading a local construction facility.”

The sale of this new vessel will further strengthen the relationship between IHC and ANP. This dates back to the 1970s, with the delivery of TSHD DRAGA D-7, which remains part of ANP’s fleet.