City Park Lake Dredging About to Begin

Business & Finance

The City of Hagerstown (MD) will hold a community information meeting to share details of the upcoming project to dredge City Park Lake.

At the meeting, attendees will have a more detailed look at the dredging process, what to expect over the course of the project and the benefits once the work is complete.

The meeting will take place Wednesday, January 11th at 6:00 p.m. at the Washington County Museum of Fine Arts in the Bowman Gallery.

About the Dredging Project

Over the course of the last century, approximately 32,000 cubic yards of sediment have accumulated at the bottom of the lake as a result of leaves, trash, waterfowl and fish waste, and slight erosion of the lake banks.

By conducting a study of the lake floor, the city determined that the average depth of the lake is 2.4 feet, the shallowest area is 1.5 feet and the deepest part of the lake is 3.8 feet.

Through the dredging process, about 18,000 cubic yards of sediment will be removed to increase the lake’s depth to approximately five feet.

According to the city, the lake will be dredged through a mechanical process, whereby an excavator will scoop the silt from the bottom of the lake and transfer the material to a barge to be hauled away.

This method is the most cost-effective option that minimizes impacts to the community and the park’s natural resources as the lake will not need to be drained. The dredging process is being completed over the winter season to further minimize any impacts on park visitors and wildlife,” the city said in the release.

The city will work in partnership with the Washington County Solid Waste Department to have the silt removed to the Washington County Landfill where it will be used as daily cover.

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