Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme on Display

Business & Finance

Outline proposals for the Mundesley Coast Management Scheme will go on public display on Tuesday, 17 January, reports the North Norfolk District Council.

Last week, the council announced that business case for the Mundesley Scheme is being developed to help attract funding and gain approval for the work.

It is expected that the final scheme will cost between £1 million and £1.5 million pounds.

At the event, people will have an opportunity to speak to a member of the North Norfolk District Council coastal management team to find out more about coastal management options for Mundesley.

Cllr Angie Fitch-Tillett, Cabinet Member for Coastal Management at North Norfolk District Council said: “Coastal management is an ongoing process. The Mundesley Scheme has been included in the Environment Agency’s six year program and this is the next step in the process.”

We spend around £310,000 every year to maintain 21 miles of coastline that’s £14,700 a mile. On top of this defenses do require more substantial investment and in order to do this we have put an additional £300,000 of district council funding towards this scheme to help secure further government funds.

The public drop in session and exhibition will be held at Coronation Hall in Mundesley on Tuesday, 17 January, from 2pm to 7.30pm.

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