Ashtabula Harbor Dredging Plan up for Public Review

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District is calling for comments on the proposed Ashtabula Harbor dredging project.

In 2017, USACE estimates that approximately 200,000 cubic yards of sediment will be dredged from Ashtabula Harbor federal navigation channels in order to maintain sufficient water depths for deep-draft commercial vessels.

According to the Corps, dredging in 2017 will be conducted in the Lower River Channel near the Ashtabula River mouth, the Outer Harbor Channels and Lake Approach Channel.

The 2017 dredging operation is tentatively scheduled to be performed during the period between July 1 and September 15. Sediments will be removed from the channel bottom by a mechanical or hydraulic dredge and placed into hoppers aboard ship or scow for transport to the placement area.

USACE also added that the method of excavation will be determined by the contractor performing the maintenance dredging. In previous years, clamshell and hopper dredges have been used to complete the required work.

Deadline for sending comments on the proposed Ashtabula Harbor dredging project is February 19, 2017.