Oceanside Harbor Dredging in Full Swing

Business & Finance

Dredging in Oceanside Harbor federal entrance channel continues as Manson Construction Company, the project contractor, keeps on with the annual effort to maintain safe navigation in the port.

According to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the contractor has so far removed about 187,000 cubic yards of material from the project area.

Manson is dredging the channel to its authorized federal depth of 20 feet with an additional 7 feet of advanced maintenance. The Corps, Los Angeles District, anticipates dredging 280,000 cubic yards of material from the channel by Memorial Day weekend.

The contractor is placing the dredged material along Oceanside’s down coast beaches from the San Luis Rey River to points south of the Oceanside Pier.

USACE also reported that the Corps and the City of Oceanside are discussing the potential to continue removing material from the channel beyond Memorial Day weekend in order to take advantage of favorable sea conditions and available funding.

The project will require concurrence from the California Coastal Commission and the Regional Water Quality Control Board to be allowed to continue.