Statutory Consultation for TILBURY2 Begins Next Week

Business & Finance

The Port of Tilbury begins its formal statutory consultation on 19 June to seek further views from local communities and other stakeholders on its proposals to build a new port terminal and associated facilities near to the current port – TILBURY2.

The Port of Tilbury has been expanding at a fast rate over the past two decades as it has experienced a significant increase in the goods and products coming through it – as a result, customers in the port are looking for more space to expand their businesses.

The port estimates that demand for use of its facilities will increase further in the next 15 years which the TILBURY2 proposals would support.

TILBURY2 will be built on a 152 acre site which was part of the former Tilbury Power Station and will include a new deep water jetty in the river Thames.

The port undertook an informal non-statutory consultation exercise earlier this year and the upcoming formal statutory consultation seeks views to help further refine the TILBURY2 proposals.

As part of this consultation, the port will be running a number of consultation events which give local communities the chance to find out more about the proposals.

The formal statutory consultation exercise runs from 19th June until 28th July 2017.