USACE Commander Inspects Bed Load Interceptor

Business & Finance
Image source: Port of Cleveland

The Port of Cleveland yesterday welcomed Lieutenant Colonel Adam Czekanski, 73rd commander of the the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Buffalo District, on a visit to see the Bed Load Interceptor on the Cuyahoga River.

The interceptor, designed by Streamside Technology, removes sediment from the Cuyahoga River before it can settle in the shipping canal.

Image source: Port of Cleveland

The piece of technology is part of a wave of green technology the port has employed since its CEO Will Friedman joined the agency in 2010. This machine was introduced by Jim White, director of Sustainable Infrastructure Programs.

When operating at full capacity, which happens when the river is flowing at its usual 4 miles per hour, the interceptor could decrease the need for dredging by 10 to 15 percent, White said.

The port has partnered with Kurtz Bros., Inc. to market and sell the sediment for construction, landscaping and road fill.

How it works

  • Sediment migrates up ramp;
  • Grate system screens for selective particle size removal;
  • Hopper retains the sediment until pumped;
  • Harvest sediments are pumped as slurry to placement site;
  • Water from dewatering is returned to river.