USACE in Port Monmouth: Building Foundation for Resiliency

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in partnership with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Coastal Engineering, is working on the Port Monmouth Flood Risk Management Project that will make the community more resilient during future storm flooding and surge.

To help with this resiliency, the Corps decided to include an environmentally friendly soil stabilization process that has never been used by the Corps before on a flood risk management project. The process makes the project stronger, improves the community’s quality of life, and saves tax-dollars.

The project area is made up of low lying salt and freshwater marsh and there are many residential and commercial structures sitting right on or near this marshland.

Erosion over the years has removed much of the natural beachfront and dune complexes that provided coastal protection to the community from storm surge.

Hurricane Sandy further exacerbated the problem by causing millions of dollars in damages, destroying 750 homes and businesses in Port Monmouth alone.

The project includes two phases of work that together will reduce the risk of flooding throughout the entire community.

The first phase was completed in 2015 and provides storm risk reduction from the Sandy Hook Bay.

This work included building up and widening the shoreline, constructing a 15-foot high protective dune – spanning a mile and half long, and constructing a new stone groin perpendicular to the shoreline. A groin structure extends out from the shore into the water and interrupts water flow and limits the movement of sand, to prevent beach erosion and increase resiliency.

In addition, a fishing pier was extended 195 feet and walking paths were built to provide the public access to the beach area.

The second phase is in progress and will provide a line of defense surrounding Port Monmouth.

The work includes constructing a concrete floodwall – the length of almost 22 football fields – to reduce flooding from the Pews Creek to the west and the Compton Creek to the east.

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