APC Construction Wins L-Wall Contract

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District, has awarded a $2.1 million contract for construction of an L-type floodwall near the Orleans Ave Permanent Canal Closure and Pump facility to APC Construction, a contractor based out of Harvey, LA. 

The 300 feet of the existing I-wall between Lakseshore Drive and the PCCP structure will be retrofitted to an L-wall.

Conversion of the existing I-wall will require creating a base for the floodwall by driving a row of vertical piles and a row battered piles.

To ensure a smooth transition between the existing ground surface and the new wall fill will be added to the area adjacent to the base, USACE said in its release.

The existing I-wall will remain in place throughout construction and work will not impact the 100-year level of risk reduction currently provided by the Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction System.

Construction is expected to being in February 2018 and be completed in summer 2018.