MMO Update on Teignmouth Beach Works

Business & Finance

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has released an update on its work looking into concerns about Teignmouth beach and the disposal of material dredged from Exmouth Marina at the Sprey Point site.

The Sprey Point disposal site lies off Teignmouth Beach and concerns were raised by users of the beach that black-silt like material was being washed ashore following disposal of material dredged from Exmouth Marina, reported the MMO.

They also added that the material from Exmouth Marina was previously analysed for a range of contaminants, in accordance with OSPAR requirements. This showed that the sediment was uncontaminated and suitable for disposal at sea.

In response to concerns, on 26 February the MMO announced it had suspended the marine licence for dredging at Exmouth Marina and subsequent disposal activities at Sprey Point while it investigated the source of the material seen on Teignmouth Beach. This suspension remains in place whilst the MMO is continuing its investigations.

The MMO’s investigation into the issues raised was affected by last week’s severe weather and related weather warnings in place. However, officers from the MMO and the Environment Agency have inspected the beach and MMO is carrying out a further visit this week.

According to the MMO, no disposal activity as part of this licence has taken place at the Sprey Point site since week commencing 19 February.