Dredging and Beach Nourishment Works

Business & Finance

The Mediterranean Costal Cliff Preservation, Government Company LTD. (MCCP) seeks for local and international dredging companies with the relevant experience in Dredging and Beach Nourishment related to the project described under this document and future Nourishment projects along Israel Mediterranean shoreline.

This project involved dredging from offshore sand reserve adjacent to Ashdod shoreline and discharge at Ashkelon Beach for Beach Nourishment in order to restore, protect and widen the beach. The nourishment will provide, together with other designed and constructed measures, shoreline protection to withstand high energy weather events.

MCCP was created in late 2013, in accordance with Govt. Decision No. 5053 from August 9, 2012. The company, fully owned by the Israeli government, is responsible for all coastal cliff issues, including planning and implementation of recommendations to protect and strengthen the cliffs, as well as long-term maintenance and monitoring. It was created in order to deal with the problem of cliffs along the Mediterranean Sea that are retreating by dozens of centimeters each year, and have begun to collapse in some areas.

The cliff shores are found along the most populated part of the country and as such, are under intensive demand for urban, residential, tourist and coastal recreational land uses. The continued coastal cliff collapse and retreat and its implication on urban and heritage assets, safety and beach utility, has increased public concern and triggered the development of a Policy Document by an expert team. The formulated policy on coping with the eroding coastal cliffs has been based on the conclusion that until the end of the 21 century, a 50 m wide zone at the cliff edge is under the threat of direct collapse and/or related infrastructure failure.

The Request for Information (RFI) can be found at MCCP website:

http://www.mccp.co.il/index.php?lung=en under “tenders” section.

Proposals Submission Deadline : November 15, 2018, 12 PM (Israel time).

Responder’s may submit Clarifications by email to Mrs. Hila Ehrenreich at [email protected] no later than October 30, 2018, by no later than 2 PM (14:00) Israel time.

MCCP responses shall be uploaded within 3 days to the company website www.mccp.co.il under “tenders” section.

This article is paid for and produced by MCCP and does not necessarily reflect the view of Dredgingtoday.com. No member of the editorial team took part in creation of this advertorial.