Totnes Flood Protection Scheme Almost Done

Business & Finance

Work to reduce the risk of fluvial and tidal flooding from the River Dart in Totnes is nearing completion, according to the Environment Agency.

In 2017 the EA was granted planning permission by South Hams District Council for a scheme to reduce flood risk to more than 400 homes and businesses in Totnes.

Since then, the Agency has built approximately 500 meters of linear defenses, and 140 meters of new flood wall constructed in Morrisions car park. The project included construction of flood walls between properties, raising 150 meters of riverside wall in glass at ‘the Bistro’.

The Environment Agency also replaced a 70-meter section of failed masonry quay wall which supported a flood defense wall with sheet piling, clad with pre-cast masonry effect panels.

As part of the wider environmental improvements the Environment Agency worked in partnership with the Dartington Estate to provide 7 hectares of restored wetland.

Work is now substantially complete with only ‘snagging work’ and individual property level flood protection to a few properties outstanding. During high water levels in early October, the Environment Agency was able to test one of the lowest flood gates, at the Steam Packet Inn, reported the EA.

Tree planting and landscaping work around the town are also complete.