Kure Beach Nourishment Project Starts Soon

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, held last week the pre-construction meeting regarding the Carolina Beach and Kure Beach Coastal Storm Damage Reduction project.

According to the Carolina Beach Councilman Steve Shuttleworth, the meeting took place Wednesday, January 16, at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer’s office.

Weeks Marine won the $17.4 million contract to perform the work for both Carolina Beach and Kure Beach. They will be starting the pre-project final survey this week.

We should see equipment on the north end of the island around the 28th of January,” said Councilman Steve Shuttleworth. “They typically start by delivering the pipe sections which are stockpiled on the northern end of Freeman Park.”

The cutter head dredge plant is to be stationed in the inlet area right up close to the shore. That dredge plant will be cutting and pumping sand out of the deep hole right off the tip of Freeman Park,” added Councilman Shuttleworth.

The deadline for completing both Carolina Beach and Kure Beach nourishment works is April 30th. Under the plan, Weeks will first nourish the Carolina Beach.