Oak Bluffs Beachfill Project Proposed

Business & Finance

The Town of Oak Bluffs is seeking a permit from the Army Corps’ New England District to conduct work in waters of the U.S. in conjunction with protecting coastal banks and restoring public beaches in Oak Bluffs, Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts.

This work is in the Atlantic Ocean and Nantucket Sound along the shoreline of Oak Bluffs along Sea View Avenue Extension and Sea View Avenue.

The town proposes to conduct work and place fill material in waters of the U.S. in order to provide protection to the existing coastal banks and public/private infrastructure, and restore public beaches for recreational purposes.

The project work can be separated into two phases. The first phase of the work commenced in January 2016 and work was substantially completed over six months ending in July 2016.

The town of Oak Bluffs is seeking an after-the-fact permit to retain the structures and fill that were constructed as a part of this phase.

In order to further protect the shoreline and enhance the recreational beach, the town of Oak Bluffs is proposing in Phase 2 a large scale beach nourishment and groin maintenance and rehabilitation project.

The work will extend into the intertidal zone and seaward of the currently authorized Inkwell and Pay Beach nourishment projects permitted for sediment placement.

Beach nourishment of engineered profiles will be completed and maintained at Jetty, North Bluff, Pay, and Inkwell Beaches. Additionally, seven timber groins, previously constructed in the mid-1900s that are currently not serviceable will be reconstructed along the beaches.

In addition to the construction of the timber groins, one stone groin at Inkwell will be modified to optimize the stability of the shoreline system and minimize the frequency of future beach maintenance events.

The Phase 2 work includes: approximately 34,975 cubic yards of sand will be placed along 3,950 linear feet of shoreline (a 283,261-square-foot area); 216,676 square feet of the total area is located below the high tide line at Jetty Beach (1,587 square feet), North Bluff (94,981 square feet), Pay Beach (43,291 square feet), and Inkwell Beach (76,817 square feet).

The deadline for sending public comments on the proposed work is May 16, 2019.