Oceanside Work in Full Swing

Business & Finance

The City of Oceanside Harbor, CA, said in its latest announcement that their weekly dredge progress meeting was held earlier this week with representatives of the harbor, city, USACE and Manson Construction.

Image source: City of Oceanside Harbor

According to the latest update, the dredging operations began April 29th at 3:30pm and 16,000 cubic yards of sand was delivered to the beach in front of North Coast Village so far.

After completing the Surfrider dredging work, Manson moved to just north of the Pier and will place sand at that location until Saturday, May 4th.

The grunion run is now expected Saturday night into early Sunday morning, May 5th. Manson will be prepared to move south of the Pier depending upon the confirmed location of the grunion run.

There have been slight swells from the south, causing some minor delays in dredging.

Mason will continue to dredge during daylight hours, but will shut down at night for safety until the oceans swells calm. Even with the slight weather delays, Manson Construction still expects to complete the harbor entrance dredge on time, according to the update.

Based on the most recent survey of the harbor entrance, the total amount of dredged clean sand is anticipated to be approximately 275,000 cubic yards. The entrance channel will be dredged to minus 27 ft.

USACE is in the process of gaining Federal approval to maintain the Oceanside Harbor entrance to minus 30 ft. starting next year.