Protecting South Australia’s Coast

Business & Finance

The Marshall Liberal Government is set to secure South Australia’s vulnerable coastline including a long-term solution to devastating erosion at West Beach thanks to significant funding in the 2019-20 State Budget.

Image source: Goolwa Beach, South Australia facebook page

The 2019-20 State Budget delivers $52.4 million in funding over four years to improve both metropolitan and regional coasts which act as the state’s first defense against the changing climate.

According to an official announcement, $48.4 million is allocated to the metropolitan coast consisting of $20 million for 500,000m³ of newly-sourced sand; and $28.4 million for the completion of a sand recycling pipeline from Semaphore to West Beach, as well as sand dune restoration and revegetation to be undertaken in partnership with local councils and coastal community groups.

“This pipeline would complement the existing one from Glenelg to Kingston Park which successfully pumps approximately 100,000m³ of sand each year to stabilize dunes and maintain the southern beaches such as Seacliff,” the Government of South Australia said.

Regional coasts will also receive a boost, with a $4 million injection to help repair, restore and sustain them in partnership with local councils.

Minister for Environment and Water, David Speirs, said that South Australia’s coasts had been left to wither for far too long and needed to be protected for generations to come.