Fremantle Coastal Protection Works Move Forward

Business & Finance

The Western Australia’s City of Fremantle is moving ahead with construction of temporary coastal protection at Port Beach to protect buildings and facilities from further erosion.

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The first major storms of the winter season caused significant erosion at the beach earlier this month, undermining sections of footpath and the southern car park and threatening the change rooms and Fremantle Surf Lifesaving Club annex.

Last week, the city moved sand from further up the beach and placed it in front of the change rooms, surf club annex and the Coast restaurant to provide temporary protection in the event of further storms.

In recent days, the city has placed more sand in front of the restaurant and rocks in front of the change rooms where the worst erosion occurred.

The rocks can be removed and re-used once longer term management options have been determined, according to their latest announcement.

More stormy weather is forecast for later in the week. The city will continue to monitor the situation and move more sand in front of vulnerable assets as required.

The city and Fremantle Ports are currently investigating a range of long-term erosion adaptation options at Port Beach using funding from a state government Coastal Adaptation and Protection grant.