Sh. Feevah Harbor Inaugurated

Business & Finance
Image source: MTCC

The Maldives Transport and Contracting Company Plc (MTCC), Hassan Shah, officially inaugurated the Sh. Feevah harbor upgrade project on October 19 at a special ceremony held in Sh. Feevah – part of the Miladhummadulhu Atoll in the Maldives.

Image source: MTCC

The ceremony was attended by Ali Riza, Member of Parliament for Shaviyani Miladhoo constituency, several MTCC officials and the Sh. Feevah residents.

The works for the harbor upgrade scheme included:

  • dredging of 31,303mĀ³ of material;
  • construction of a 504 meter long breakwater;
  • 70m of revetment work;
  • a 464 meter quay wall.

According to MTCC, the project also involved the construction of a ramp, interlocking pavements and installment of mooring blocks, navigational masts and harbor lights.

This project is valued at $4.5 million.