Lindo Lake Restoration Project Proposed

Business & Finance

The County of San Diego Parks and Recreation is seeking a permit from the Army Corps’ Los Angeles District to conduct work in waters of the U.S. in conjunction with the Lindo Lake Restoration Project.

The Lindo Lake project – located within the City of Lakeside, California – will consist of deepening the East and West basins of the lake, lining the basins with bentonite clay to aid in water retention, and restoration activities.

According to the applicant, the project proposes excavation and grading of approximately 226,000 cubic yards of silt and sediment to re-contour the lakebed, deepen the east and west lake basins, and provide retention basins.

The applicant proposes to use approximately 27,000 cubic yards of the excavated lake material to stabilize the banks of the lake basins and to create graded mounds surrounding the basins, for landscaping and habitat creation.

The balance of the material (approximately 199,411 cubic yards) would be exported off-site.

The deadline for sending comments on the proposed work is November 20, 2019.