Hayling Island Beach Nourishment Progressing Nicely

Business & Finance
Image source: ESCP

The maintenance dredging operations in Chichester Harbor Approach Channel and nourishment of the Hayling Island are progressing nicely, according to the Eastern Solent Coastal Partnership – ESCP.

Image source: ESCP

After securing funding from the Environment Agency, Havant Borough Council started this week with the beach nourishment of the Eastoke frontage.

Material for this operation is being dredged from the approach channel to Chichester Harbor.

Trailing suction hopper dredger (TSHD) Sospan Dau is dredging shingle from harbor channel, delivering it ashore to restore the beach levels at Eastoke.

Under the plan, over the next two weeks, TSHD Sospan Dau will pump up to 30,000m³ of material on the beach, to raise the profile to the recommended 1:200 year Standard of Protection.