Piedroba Hosts Executive Dredging Seminar in Argentina

Business & Finance
Image source: Piedroba

In the context of the Inter-American Committee (CIP) Secretariat’s Capacity Building Program, the Organization of American States (OAS) and Piedroba Consulting Group (PCG) have decided to partner with the Port of Buenos Aires, Argentina to offer an Executive Dredging Seminar on November 14-15.

Image source: Piedroba

This day-and-a-half Seminar is geared toward Port CEO’s, General Managers, Executives, Engineers, and High-Level Government Officials.

The content shall include topics such as:

  • dredge project risk management;
  • procurement;
  • contract administration;
  • (geotechnical) data collection;
  • design of navigation projects;
  • regulatory challenges.

PCG’s Principal and CEO, Dr. Luis Prieto-Portar, said: “Argentina and the Port of Buenos Aires are active players when it comes to delivering on their navigation commitments through dredging. Administering these dredging projects with all their technical, environmental, and administrative challenges can be a demanding task, and the Seminars we host with our partners are geared towards facilitating educational services and context. We are pleased to have been invited by the Port of Buenos Aires, and look forward to supporting OAS and support CIP’s mission throughout the Americas, and help our friends in Argentina prepare for their upcoming projects.”

Piedroba Consulting Group (PCG) provides marine infrastructure consultancy services throughout the Americas. They specialize in representing the owner on capital and maintenance dredging projects, ensuring successful completion within time and budget through the implementation of risk management strategies.

The Organization of American States (OAS) is the world’s oldest regional organization, dating back to the First International Conference of American States in 1889.Today, the OAS brings together all 35 Independent States of the Americas and constitutes the main political, juridical, and social governmental forum in the Hemisphere.

The OAS Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) is the only permanent Inter-American government forum that brings together the National Port Authorities of all OAS Member States for the promotion of the development of competitive, safe, sustainable, and inclusive ports in the Americas with the active participation of the private sector.

OAS’s Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) and PCG have offered Executive Dredging Seminars in Panama, Peru, and the Dominican Republic. Over 120 private and public sector participants have gone through PCG’s classes in the last two years.