Seven Islands Deal for Maldives Transport and Contracting Company

Business & Finance
Image source: MTCC

The Maldives Transport and Contracting Company Plc (MTCC) has won a contract to construct and upgrade harbors on seven islands in the Republic of Maldives.

Image source: MTCC

According to the agreement, the scope of work will include:

  • design and build of ADh. Mandhoo harbor – $2.4 million;
  • Dh. Hulhudheli harbor upgrade works – $2.5 million;
  • F. Dharanboodhoo harbor upgrade – $2.4 million;
  • design and build of N. Landhoo harbor – $2.3 million;
  • R. Rasmaadhoo harbor upgrade – $1.2 million;
  • Sh. Bilehfahi harbor upgrade – $2 million;
  • Sh. Lhaimagu harbor upgrade – $3.6 million.

The agreement was signed today (December 10) by Fathimath Shana Farooq, the Government’s Director General of Planning and Shahid Hussain Moosa, MTCC COO.