Pirates Attack TSHD Ambika, Four Dead, Three Kidnapped

Business & Finance
Image source: TruenoVoz

The Nigerian-flagged trailing suction hopper dredger (TSHD) Ambika (ex Galilei 2000) was attacked last week when operating 3nm from the mouth of the Ramos River, off the coast of Nigeria.

Image source: TruenoVoz

According to the international maritime security consultancy Dryad Global, during the attack, a firefight occurred between the embarked security personnel on the TSHD and the pirates.

After heavy exchange of fire, the pirates were able to board the vessel and abduct three crew members (two Russians and one Indian) leaving behind five crew members.

It was reported that four military armed personnel have been killed during the attack with two injured.

The 1979-built TSHD Ambika – once part of the Jan de Nul fleet – is now owned by a Lagos-based gas development company with operations upriver from the Ramos River entrance.