LSU Opts for Brailsford & Dunlavey Joint Venture

Business & Finance

The Louisiana State University (LSU) Real Estate and Facilities Foundation, an affiliate of the LSU Foundation, has selected a joint venture of Brailsford & Dunlavey and CSRS as the project adviser for the University Lakes Project.

Image source: LSU

The selection was made through the University Lakes Project Management Committee following in-person presentations delivered this morning by the two finalists: a joint venture of Brailsford & Dunlavey and CSRS and a joint venture of Stantec and KPMG LLP.

The Project Management Committee includes representatives from the LSU REFF, the agencies providing the project funding and the community.

Following the finalization of a contract with Brailsford & Dunlavey and CSRS to serve as project adviser, the University Lakes Project Management Committee anticipates engaging a designer in spring 2020 and engaging a contractor for dredging and construction by January 2021.

The project advisor’s responsibilities will extend through the duration of the project, focused on assisting with rehabilitation and improvement of the six lakes adjacent to the LSU campus and City-Brooks Community Park.